Monday, July 30, 2012

Separated By A Common Language: "Tickey Boo"

"It was all Tickey Boo"

Is how Opening Ceremony Director Danny Boyle described the production process of the semi-infamous Queen of England/James Bond sequence, the most shocking crossover of fictional characters since The Avengers movie.

So what does "Tickey Boo" mean? According to the Dictionary of (British) Slang it is NOT a way to describe the sound made by a clockwork ghost but actually an adjective meaning:

Fine, all right, in order. E.g."Yes indeed, everything is just tickety-boo, I've never felt better."

So the next time your mom/spouse/The Voices ask you how you day was and you'd rather not get into another argument about how 'eh, it was ok' is not a real answer, try "Tickey Boo" and fight instead about how you don't take other people's feeling seriously.

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